
FG X Ford Falcon vs FG Ford Falcon comparison photos

Just how different visually are the FG and FG X Ford Falcon? We attempt to find out via this simple photo gallery comparing the two models side-by-side.

Credit: Ford, Derek Fung

FG Ford Falcon FPV GT-P vs 2014 Ford Falcon XR8 facelift (front)

There's no direct model-to-model comparison between the FG and 2014 model here. In the FG range all V8 models were farmed out to the FPV brand.

For the 2014 facelift, the V8 moves back into the main range. As such, the XR8 is revived and the FG FPV styling tics (primarily stripes and racoon headlight appliques) have been ditched.

The XR8 maintains the bonnet bulge from the V8 FPV models, though. Albeit on top of the 2014-shape bonnet.